Session Leader(s):
Fee: $2,500
Using wisdom and guidance from the internationally acclaimed African American poet, Paul Laurence Dunbar, this workshop, which is named after his monumental poem “We Wear The Mask,” engages participants in reflection on the masks they wear to fit in at work and beyond. Participants will process the challenges that give rise to conformity and will get support naming what authenticity and wellness actually look like. They will also consider steps for removing the masks that keep them from experiencing real belonging.
More Events
The Dream Team
Session Leader(s):
Fee: $1,500
We Wear The Mask
Session Leader(s):
Fee: $2,500
Breathe Into It: Mindfulness C.P.R. Conflict Resolution
Session Leader(s):
Fee: $1,500
Boundaries for Beginners And Those Of Us Who Can’t Get It Right
Session Leader(s):
Fee: $2,500
Relationship Stories: Interacting With Others Beyond Our Assumptions
Session Leader(s):
Fee: $1,500
Breaking Away from Hierarchy: The Gentle Parenting Approach
Session Leader(s):
Fee: $1,500
Building Belonging: Moving Beyond Tolerance & Acceptance
Session Leader(s):
Fee: $2,500
Emotional Intelligence: A Building Block For Healthy Relationships
Session Leader(s):
Fee: $1,500