Spirit Rising: Community For The Soul
Spirit Rising is a multi-faith, all-embracing community that offers inspiration for personal and social transformation and a loving setting for spiritual direction and attunement. Co-convened by four spiritual midwives – Rebeccah Bennett, Adande Lane, Carolyn Griffith, and Eurania Jackson – Spirit Rising provides a sacred space for those who are seeking deeper connection with God, Source, Creation & Creator, Spirit & Humanity. We believe that Spirit is beautifully wild and not tethered to a single creed or doctrine. As a result, we honor all who participate as individuated expressions of the collective Soul.

Spirit Rising began as a small group whose members were seeking spiritual community outside of traditional / institutional frameworks and who shared a commitment to justice and liberation. Over time, we have grown into a weekly gathering that meets up to share spiritual discoveries, insights, curiosities and yearnings. Every Sunday, we invite rigorous soul searching around life’s most pressing questions with a keen focus on seeding the healed future for ourselves and our communities.
Spirit Rising is nourishment for the Healing-self, the Striving-self, the Evolving-self, and the Higher-self. We are a community that believes in the magic of transformation, the mystery of the Universe, the journey of the soul, the necessity of community, and the co-conspiring nature of God.
Join us weekly, from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm CST, to encounter the wisdom of love incarnate as it manifests through our provocations and discussions.
You can also visit us in person every third Sunday of the month at Clay Community Services Center, which is located at 3820 N. 14th St., St. Louis, MO 63107.
To get more information, email spiritrising@inpowerinstitute.com