Carolyn Griffeth
Carolyn Griffeth is a spiritual counselor, soul guide, dream worker, grief tender, and intuitive ceremonialist who has served since 2016 on the ministry team of Spirit Rising. Her loving, all-embracing presence creates a profoundly sacred space that infuses all her offerings including: women’s liberation groups, grief rituals, ceremonies for personal and collective healing, one-on-one spiritual mentoring, anti-racism groups, and practices of Earth reverence.
Carolyn graduated from Aquinas Institute of Theology in 2003 with a Master of Pastoral Studies degree and a certificate in spiritual direction. She also has a degree in Shamanic Energy Medicine from the Four Winds Society and training in dream work, emotional clearing techniques, nature-based soul work, ecstatic grief ritual, and the Work that Reconnects. All of her gifts and passions are woven into Earthkeeper Wisdom School–a ceremonial school for inner transformation and social change.
Contact her at: Carolyngriffeth@gmail.com or schedule a free consultation at https://spiritualmentorship.
“My passion is to support you to live the one true life you can call your own!”